One of the major reasons we make any decision in life, whether this be personal or professional is because there is a benefit to us, in making this decision. If there wasn’t, what would be the point? Especially when there is money or time commitment involved, you want to be sure the outcome from your purchase delivers on the results you are looking for. But do you really know what you are looking for? How to attract corporate clients provides a multitude of benefits – which ones are you looking for in your life?
As a health professional, mother, daughter and friend, I have my own goals in life and in business. I’m going to provide you with 30+ reasons or benefits that I experience when working with corporate clients. I’m sure that we share many, but it’s up to you to decide which ones resonate the most with you.

These benefits are numbered, but not in any order of importance to me, and probably not to you. If you are interested in learning how to attract corporate clients in our online training/coaching program, consider the benefits in this blog, and make sure the program or education you are thinking about offers you the ability to achieve these benefits. If you aren’t going to achieve the ultimate outcomes that provide joy and happiness, or fulfillment and satisfaction to your life, why spend your hard-earned money? Find a program that does. But do spend the money because I think it’s critical that we get out of our own head, and habits to create the life we want, if we aren’t already living it. I think we all need to take a leap of faith and experience new ways of thinking and new ways of doing business. An educational program that gives you the opportunity to transform your business and change your life, is perfect for everyone, including you, that’s why we show you how to attract corporate clients. It’s innovative!
Here are some benefits:
Time freedom
Money freedom
Less competition for work
Little to no overhead costs
Create THE vision for your practice
Secure contracts with clients that are in alignment with your core values
Life transforming
Boost in revenues
No chasing for payment
No insurance companies to deal with
One payor for hundreds or thousands of clients
I just recently had a coaching session with a client that was steadfast in doing her career the same way, at the expense of being in debt and securing a job on top of her business, just to possibly make ends meet. Neither of these solutions were the situation she was looking for, but her answer was rooted in not wanting to let go of how she got to where she was, dragging an anchor around, not realizing the anchor needed to be released. It wasn’t supporting her ultimate goal of freedom, from jobs, hours at work, less time in the garden, and less time having fun. It was just getting her more stuck. More stuck in her own ways, in her journey, in her vision of what her life looks like now versus taking a different approach and believing something new is potentially the answer to her success. She needed to let go of what she already did, to take on a new approach to ultimately reach her success.
Here is the continued list of benefits when you work with corporate clients. If the benefits you want aren’t on this list, maybe how to attract corporate clients online training and coaching program isn’t for you. To be honest, I highly doubt that’s the truth.
12. Business transformation
13. Regular ‘paycheque’
14. Onsite work
15. Short and long-term contracts available
16. Reduce or eliminate daily social media posting
17. Achieve work/life integration
18. No waiting to be paid
19. Be the expert with each corporation
20. Attract many, not just one company
21. Charge a consulting fee, not an hourly fee
22. Community resource
23. Stop chasing individual clients
I’m going to keep adding to this list of benefits so that you can actually visualize why you would want to learn how to attract corporate clients. Also check out the Youtube videos that go into more depth about each one of these. Here is our channel -
24. Enjoy long sustainable client relationships
25. Set your hours of work
26. Remote work available
27. Provide solutions to employer problems
28. Expand your services as needed
29. Reliable source of monthly income
30. Strategize with CEOs
31. Collaborate with other professionals for the greater good of the organization
32. Work in many different types of employers – schools, construction, manufacturing
33. Recoup the cost of Attracting Corporate Clients within a month or 2 of securing a contract
34. Work with me, not one of my team members, while I coach you to success. With 25 years of experience, making 6 digits per year, I’m an asset to your success story.

The benefits of why you should work with corporate clients are many, and definitely not all listed here. You can have some of your own.

Feel free to send me a message with yours, if it isn’t listed and I’ll be sure to let you know if it’s achievable. Leave the work on how to attract corporate clients to me and the program. You won’t regret your decision to purchase.