As a registered nurse, I have worked alongside Chiropractors for years, and learned a great deal about how to market a chiropractic business. I too, as a Homeopathic Practitioner am not covered by our provincial health plan here in Ontario. However, I have sage advice for all the chiropractors out there trying to make a living after years of education and being in private practice. If you want more clients and more revenues, become the experts in the community that everyone turns to.

It’s time to step-up and take your rightful place in the health care system. I’m fully aware that western or allopathic medicine has its benefits, but I am also fully aware and a strong advocate of natural medicine, in its variety of modalities and professions, including chiropractic. Having worked with many chiropractors and receiving many adjustments throughout the years, I know how amazing your services are.
Be the Wellness Experts in your community – that’s how to market a chiropractic business. Stop taking a back seat. Step-up, be more visible, get out into the community, expand your knowledge and share with others that are NOT coming to you for treatment. Don’t stay focused on only continuing great care for your clients, but spread the word and share what else you can do for more people.
I saw statistics that show 80% of the population will experience back pain, but chiropractors only see 10% of them. (Stephen Simonetti, Chiropractor) Is that true? What if you could see more? What if you became the experts in musculoskeletal treatments for a variety of issues, in the workplace and expand your practice in the community? So many workplaces are looking for a health care practitioner to help their employees feel better, function better, and improve their overall health with great lifestyle choices. Let that someone be you!
If you want to grow your private practice, see more revenue, and have more clients it’s time to consider marketing corporate clients. Not only will you help out individual employees, but you will also help out corporations with their employees’ health, promote the chiropractic profession and serve more people. So many wins here!

How to market a chiropractic business is easily done, when you can attract corporate clients, with offering services such as early detection and prevention, with minimizing pain, offering holistic education and counseling, and providing advise regarding ergonomics, exercise, stress reduction and healthy eating, just to name a few. There is so much you can offer more clients, and corporate clients instead of the ones that just show up at your door, on a regular basis. Change your marketing plan. Go beyond your comfort zone. It’s time to step-it-up a notch.
The world is changing and people are changing their viewpoint on health choices. With the shortage of family doctors and the health care system in Ontario, probably at its worse, be the health solution to the vast majority of people you aren’t already treating. This is a great goal to aspire, and an amazing way to build your practice, expand revenues, and help more people.
If you aren’t reaching out for change, you are in a comfort zone, which is not the most ideal place to be. We can get very comfortable with the regular revenues and regular clients, and forget there is so much more to accomplish. How about increasing revenues or helping employers retain their employees at work or helping corporations to manage their disability by assisting in the return-to-work process? There is so much you can offer employers, but most chiropractors have a private practice only. Chiropractors like other health care professionals are not educated to go beyond building a small health care practice but I believe you have what it takes, to manage a private practice AND a very successful corporate practice.
You can continue to be your own boss in your office, and in the workplace. You can grow your client base, expand your private practice to include corporations, and be the Wellness Leader in the community. Corporate practice doesn’t have to look or run like your private practice, or it can – up to you. You can re-align with a different model of business, one that I am very familiar with, and I know you understand realignment – this is what you do!

How to market a chiropractic business comes with a variety of solutions that I’m sure you were not taught at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC). There are many other solutions to realign your practice with more growth in revenues and clients and gain more popularity in the community.
The Attracting Corporate Clients online training and coaching program will unlock the key to your creativity. I’m just opening the door to the possibilities.
Once you walk through, you will start to see the vast options available to expand and transform your life and business. With the Elite program giving you the best advantage for your money, with even one corporate client, you can recoup the fee in one month of working for a corporate client. So, if you are looking to find out how to market a chiropractic business, beyond what you have already been doing, schedule a chat. I would love to share with you my passion for changing lives, yours included.

Lucie Fournier, Founder of Fournier Coaching
Certified Success Coach
Schedule a complimentary chat with me to learn more about how to get more chiropractic patients, with our Attracting Corporate Clients online training and coaching program.