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On Her Laptop

Attracting Corporate Clients

This program will take you from where you are in your health practice to where you want to be in your career and business. We believe you can have all the skills you need to succeed in this business model of working with another business and we are here to provide you with that knowledge, to reach the new heights you have not yet achieved.

Why shift your business to 
corporate clients?

of being self-employed

  • Flexibility over time at work

  • Ability to earn a good living

  • Independence from traditional structured employment

  • Freedom to implement innovative services

  • Accommodate personal commitments

  • Build a lasting legacy for the future

work with corporate clients?

  • Steady availability of work

  • Higher dollar value transaction

  • Larger budgets = higher paying projects

  • Professional growth and skill development

  • Expansion of your professional network

  • New referrals and opportunities

  • Ability to establish long term partnerships with corporations

  • Repeat signed contracts

of being self-employed

  • Fluctuations in income

  • Pressure to work long hours to generate income

  • Feelings of isolation

  • Administrative task burden, detracts from billable hours

  • Uncertain work loads

  • Stiff competition

  • Overwhelming need to wear all of the "hats"

But we can mitigate
these disadvantages by... 

purchase Attracting Corporate clients program?

  • Boost Your Revenues!

  • Consulting Fee vs. Hourly Rate

  • One invoice vs. multiple invoices

  • No chasing payments

  • No overhead costs

  • Transform your practice, and change your life

  • Work/Life Balance

  • Less competition

  • Become a Workplace Health Expert

  • Gain valuable experience in large business management

  • Customize services to meet  corporate needs

  • Identify potential corporate clients to work with

  • Develop contracts, pricing and packaging options

  • Review the value proposition and return on investments

  • Strategize over sales and marketing plans

  • Focus on relationship building

  • Measure and evaluate performance for repeat contracts

  • Analyze results and adjust strategies


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When you purchase this online program, you will learn the critical skills you need to land a corporate account.


You will also learn exactly what problems corporations have so you can design value-added services that result in a return on investment for the employer.


I will help you customize your existing practice and programs to attract corporate clients and boost your revenues for years to come.

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My Promise To You

  • I will be here to guide you, and give you the building blocks to create your own success within the program

  • I will provide the education, training, skills and coaching that will allow you to do the work to build your confidence and boost your revenues

  • I will provide you with success principles to keep going when you need inspiration 


  • I will also provide you with self-help options when taking a break is needed​​

  • I will empower you on your journey to corporate success



Attracting Corporate Clients online coaching program delivers a variety of great outcomes, including a very impactful opportunity of creating a sustainable practice.


1 corporate account = 100+ clients


By working with a single corporation, there is an opportunity to work with the employees, management and CEO of the workplace. At any one location, you can find a hundred or more employees open and receptive to your services. 


You will also find a variety of supervisors and managers eager for your health services to solve their issues involving absenteeism, productivity, morale and wellness.

Business Meeting

Become their trusted advisor

In workplace wellness, you become the 'go-to' person. When you are the ONLY health or holistic professional working in a company, you become the one person everyone turns to, because you are the one with the solutions they need to achieve health!


It builds a sense of pride within, and you stand out among them, as a professional with knowledge and expertise, that you alone have. AND, that's what you are there for!

Business Meeting at Small Table

at work

One of the most rewarding outcomes of working with employers is helping employees improve their health.


You can make a difference by providing your services and empowering the workforce to be focus on healthy lifestyle habits.


As a community leader, you would be offering accessible health care, and become invaluable to the corporation by improving employee productivity and attendance, and reducing workplace injuries.

Is this program a good fit for you? 
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Financial Report


a year from now,
how much your practice has transformed and how your life has changed to the success you've always wanted!


It's always nice to hear what your colleagues are saying, and how they are enjoying the program.

Laurie Williams is the founder of Williams Workplace Consulting and says our program has transformed the way she approaches her business strategy and how she is now comfortable to confidently offer her services to corporations... and she's only 1/3 into the course!

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